It’s a middle-of-the-week event, but there’s a chance to visit the headquarters of the City of London police next month.

As part of the Open Day, there will be a chance to visit departments such as Roads Policing, Firearms, Dogs, Public Order Unit, Horses, Community Policing, Forensics and more.

The event is in support of the K9 Memorial UK, a charity supporting police dogs. You can find out more about the charity, support them or purchase their merchandise on the day.

The Open Day runs from 11am – 3pm on Wednesday 21st August, and you can reserve a free ticket here.

Their HQ is just behind the City of London Guildhall, and close to the Barbican and Museum of London.

In unrelated news of interest, the ornate police station at Snow Hill is due to close this summer as they’re expanding their offices at the HQ building.

If you’ve not visited it yet, then the City of London Police museum is just around the corner, and worth a visit.


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